Call me a cynic but there is not much in the world of human conciseness that is as natural as it may first seem. Take how we see things visually for example, our tastes are based on a mixture of cultural background, aesthetic fashion and our predisposition of chemical balances. We live in a world of information and experiences which all have an imperceptible influence on our perceptions. Ones relationship to color, form and perspective will vary from culture to culture, and even in the realm of abstraction, what was once considered aborent often becomes the next lot of accepted conventions.
I sometimes get advice on how to do things better compositionally. Composition again has gone through many fashion shifts in the course of history, i choose to eclectically subvert artist language and sometimes images are not easy to read or feel at one with. However i do know that i am doing this, so no need to advice me how to do proper painting . Funnily enough more women seem to accept my art than men. My initial conclusion would be that perhaps women visually feel the whole of the work, the ambience, textures and colors, were as most men not.
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